Friday, November 30, 2007

The reason why I didn't write yesterday is a LONG story. And its not a good one. I'll write it down in a short and sweet condensed version. Yesterday when we got to class there was a rumor going around that someone had a gun. We all thought it was a fake until other kids from other schools were asking us why we were in a lockdown. Mrs. Anderson said not to worry. 30 minutes later we heard more about it and Mrs. Anderson asked if anyone else had heard about it and the whole class pretty much said they did. She sent out a BBS and we went into a Code White lockdown just after that. Then we went to Code Red. Megan and I were terrified and although they may not admit it, the class was too. We were in a lockdown for 2 hours. It was really scary and long; SWAT teams were checking all the classrooms and it was VERY confusing. They never found the guy but there was someone. The cops interegated many kids that looked like the description. Who knows what will happen next. OH, and on top of that we have 2 basketball games tonight.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Tonight we have a basketball game at home for both teams! Good Luck! Also the volleyball banquet is coming up. Nothing new in cheerleading...... :-(

Monday, November 26, 2007

Today is our first day back from Thanksgiving Break. I had a fun and tiring week. Football season is officially over but basketball season has just started. On Tuesday night, JV and Varisty played against the Riverview Sharks and JV pulled out a great win. I'm not sure what happened at the Varisty game but the score for JV was 36 to 34. The Freshmen cheerleaders cheered for the boys JV game and the JV and Varisty squads both cheered for the Varisty boys. Good Job RAM BOYS!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Yesterday I didn't post anything because we presentated. Also today is the first day of Thanksgiving Break! YAAA!!

Monday, November 19, 2007

We lost our football game Friday night but didn't go out without a fight. Good Job Rams! Also there are many basketball games this week on a 3 day break! YES! Also we are about to show our presentations!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Today we finished our slideshow completely and we are ready to show them on Monday. Gunna go play games!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Today Megan and I went to the Mexican Ballet on a field trip with a certain number of kids from the Creative Arts Academy. Yesterday was Career Day and Megan and came to Mrs. Anderson's room to see a speaker talking about Graphic Design. Last night, the JV and Varisty team went away to their first basketball game and the girls won! Good Job Lady Rams!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Today we are going to work on Chapter 7 and maybe work on our flipchart later. Nothing new in cheerleading other than JV and Varisty have their first basketball game and they is practice today for all squads!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Today we are going to finish Chapter 6 and start on Chapter 7. I can't wait til this weekend! Nothing in cheerleading!!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Today Megan and I switched computers because of the different keyboards. I like this one a lot better. We are currently working on our Chapter 6 Tutorials. I'm also going to check Portraits by Tina to see if the Riverview vs. Sarasota game is on there. Nothing new in cheerleading but next Friday we play Doctor Phillip's High School. Megan thinks its Dr. Phil. We are district champs, which means we won first in the division. GO RAMS!!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Today we are continuing our tutorials. Hopefully we'll finish them all up soon. Megan and I are going to start working on Chapter 6. Nothing new in cheerleading but the Kiltie Band went to all the middle schools to promote incoming Freshmen for next year to become a Kiltie.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Today we took our test on Chapters 3 and 4. Its was pretty hard. Now today we're allowed to play games all day. For cheerleading we got our basketball schedules!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Today in class we watched the rest of the move: The Day After Tomorrow. We watched the most of it in class on Friday. Also the internet wasn't working on Thursday when it was time to update our blogs. On Friday was the big Sarasota vs. Riverview game. And what did I tell you? Riverview would crush Sarasota! We beat then 35 to 28 when Sarasota scored 28 at the last second! It was a great game and shame on you any Riverview student who thought we were going to be beaten bad! I defiantely had faith in the Ram Boys! Now were 1st in our division! Imagine that?!